Halloween this year was a week of dressing up and going to parties! Halloween was seriously so fun this year! The last party we went to, was on Halloween. We got together with a bunch of Tyson's classmates who were throwing a party and we had a Spooktacular time!
*So side note: a few weeks before Halloween, Tyson and some of his classmates got together to decide what everyone should dress up as for the Halloween party. So they got on wikipedia.com and hit the 'random search button' and whatever came up on the search, was what someone had to be. When it came to Tyson's turn, he was elated to be informed that he was going to have to be a "Wrestler". And pretty sure that's all he talked about for the last two weeks before Halloween. That he was going to be a wrestler. Some people came as 'what they were picked out to be' and other just dressed how they wanted. Like me for instants.
Anywhos, a good time was had by all - we talked, ate lots of really yummy food and took tons of pictures! We were kinda burnt out with the picture taking. Poor Brody probably had his picture taken like a 1,000 times! Such a trooper. Love him!
Anywhos...without further a'do...
A very proud Tyson in his coustume. Yes, I made his snazzy wrestlers belt and cape. Everyone loved his costume. Especially him. Pretty sure he went around telling people his wrestler name was Tombstone Tyson. haha. Tyson cracks me up!
He's so great!!!
Our cute little family. I was a Zoo Keeper and Brody was my little Monkey.
He loved his costume too!
Everyone else dressed up too...here's what we had...
we had "Bear Grylls" being photographed by the paparazi
we had mother nature and... disco man
we also had...
who's a fraid of the big bad wolf? and little red riding hood
we had a "randon distribution" and a helicopter
we had two of biggest most baddest sherrifs in town
and of course we had the "cold war" and a cute black cat
We also had a dinosaur show up, along with a couple of vampires. Not everyone got pictured in the group shot, but we still had to document our good time. I love Tyson's classmates - they are so much fun - and we were glad we got to party it up with them.
We hope everyone had a fun Halloween like we did!