Monday, October 10, 2011

Apple Picking :: Round Two

so the apples we picked the first time around were just so yummy that we ate them all up! so when friends of ours from church were going to go pick apples, brody and i were totally all about tagging along and getting us some more apples!

isn't the apple orchard so beautiful?

yummy apples!

brody with his friend theo. boys in overalls = adorable! very fitting for apples picking!

brody and his friends

our apple picking friends!

brody and i. i love him so! this time around brody was all about just running around with his little buddies and eating the apples. we had a really good time. i am so happy we get to enjoy such great adventures together.


Tricia Jeanne said...

What were some of the recipes that you used to eat these apples??? Jon and I just went on Saturday, but now I have tons of apples that I don't know what to do with! (I've already made a pie and muffins but still have 3/4 left).

Springfield TV Repairs said...

Verry nice blog you have here