Monday, July 30, 2012

{ Happiness } ::

Happiness is... 

 Going to the Aviation Museum with super rad friends and sitting in an airplane...

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Happiness is checking out all the cool airplanes...

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Happiness is practicing to fly an airplane (Brody would have done this all day if I had let him)...


Happiness is Brody trying to contain his excitement when taking a picture with mom...


 Happiness is playing outside with friends under an airplane, pure bliss for little boys i tell ya...


 Happiness is holding hands with friends (Brody loves to hold hands, and Beck is the perfect friend who likes to hold hands too)...


Happiness is dancing with friends...


 Happiness is Doughnuts...


Happiness is eating yummy Doughnuts with our super rad friends...


Happiness is having a good day!! 

 "Today was a good day. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one!!" - Dr. Seuss

1 comment:

E said...

Totally happy.
I had a book as a kid called "Happiness is..." and every page had snoopy and the peanuts gang describing all sorts of happy things. I'm pretty sure Brody could have his own "Happiness is..." book with all the awesome things you do and the great pics you have. Miss you!