Friday, July 27, 2012

{ Summer Days } ::


we've spent many days at barnes and noble playing at the train in the kids section. we've woken up from naps and wait at the front door for daddy to get home from work. we've played sooo hard that we've had to lay down and take a break from all the fun. we've gone to the mall to ride the train, over and over again, its a love affair for this little boy!


we've gone to the science museum and had some science nerdy fun. we've found the frog boots i hide because its so blasted hot out, flip flops are a must, but if brody had the choice he'd wear his frog boots every single day. but his feet sweat in the them and well it's gross. but man alive i love him to bits and pieces it's crazy! more trips to barnes and noble to play and of course we have to stop in the music section and listen to songs. yeah we are cool like that.


tyson got called to be the Cub Master at church and his first big activity was a rain gutter regatta and he let me make the awards. i only had like an hour to bust them out, but i think they turned out so great and of course i was in heaven making them! brody likes to help tyson check his work email, he's very helpful if you can tell. a trip to Target would not be complete without a trip through the toy section - brody our photographer did a good job, as always. and what's an early morning thats not too hot or humid to go outside and sidewalk chalk. good times!


 a weekday breakfast of mickey mouse pancakes always makes me happy and my family happy and it's always more yummy when you eat mickey mouse. my water child...he LOVES to play in the a hot day outside, calls for a fun day inside and playing in the sink is just the ticket = hours of fun! brody and i took a day trip out to the beach - yup that's the best picture i could get of us. Love him! he was yelling at seagulls telling them not to eat Nemo. ha! a picture from tyson's birthday lunch - and he was super surprised when the servers sang happy birthday to him!


we went on a family date to a Richmond Flying Squirrels baseball game. it was so hot and the team pretty much stinks. we've been to a few games now, pretty much for the fireworks at the end - and brody likes to get his groove on when the put on music. so its worth it - but really the team acts like they have never seen a bat or ball before. and days are not complete without playing the water, seriously its been SO HOT!!


one day brody said he wanted to paint a i said Ok! and i looked in the cupboard and found some goods and got my hot glue gun out and BAM! i created us some "spaceships"...see mom my art degree does come in handy! ;) we both loved every minute of it! we painted and i had tubes of glitter glue i bought at the dollar store and oh boy he loved those glitter glue sticks! such a fun activity!


just out together as a family! boy howdy i love these boys!! we've had some pretty fabulous summer evening thunder storms (love them!) and we saw a beautiful rainbow. a family lunch date in the car. we went to a bread store downtown called Montana bread company, its exactly like Great Harvest and OH SO YUMMY! we bought sandwiches and they had outdoor seating but it was raining so we just picnic'd it in the car. it was delish!!


and just this past weekend we moved!! yay!! we moved across town into a great place, close to awesome friends and really close to tyson's work. winning!! we love it so far and so happy we were able to make this move. And even better my brother came into town and helped us out so much. love him! 

so July's been good to us! I love my family heaps and gobs! they are best things ever!! i feel all warm and fuzzy just thinking of them. we sure are lucky to have each other! i can't believe it's almost August! we have so many more fun summer adventures ahead of us, I kinda can't wait to have more fun with family and friends! this is what summer is all about!


Brol & Sary J said...

Hi Jen! I don't even know if YOU know that I follow your blog, but I do. :) And also, (FYI) Your family is on my top 5 list for the cutest families EVER!!! I LOVE looking at your pictures and how stinkin' cute y'all are! I hope life is well for you girl!

Lara Vanhille said...

You guys are SERIOUSLY so much about funnest mom EVER! And I cannot even express to you how excited I am that you guys live right across the thing ever!!