let's talk about running shall we? it's a given, i LOVE to run! I just do. i like how it makes me feel, it makes me happy, i like that only I can do it for myself and no one else can do it for me, I like that it's all up to me how fast i go, how hard i push myself, how long time wise i go, how far i go etc. i love listening to my music as loud as it goes and just getting in the zone.
while i was pregnant with Sydney i would have dreams all the time about running. i couldn't wait till i would be able to go again after having her. in February i went in for my 6 week check-up post Sydney and got the "go go go" to run from my doctor. no really, he said and i quote "get on outta here and go RUN!" weird, but he's kinda all about me running. so i did, i knew i had a 10k to train for that was coming up in April and i was really worried i wouldn't be ready by then. i went to the gym and ran 3 miles. i was quite proud of myself, no scratch that, i was shocked that i was actually able to do it, i mean i did just have a baby 6 weeks before. i may or may not have gotten goose bumps while i ran, i was that happy. (insert your eye roll right about now!) so i did 3 miles for a few days and decided to up to 4 miles, great, then 5 and then 6. it was actually a little too easy (insert another eye roll ) but i loved it. and i was totally ready for my 10k when April 13th roll around. don't get me wrong, just because i enjoy running so much doesn't mean there were/are many days of not so good runs or hard days where i may have not wanted to run, but i always end up going anyways and when i go, it for sure always reminds me why i love to run.
i did the Richmond Monument 10k with my good friend Lara. she has never done a race before, she had never even ran a mile before she started to train for this race. so inspiring, i love it when friends become runners. just like my friends Heather & Ellen when we did this race, they had never ran a race before when they started to train for that race. AMAZING, i tell you! together we rocked our 6.2 miles. it was such a fun race, it was perfect weather, and running downtown with thousands of other runners, and even seeing other friends running or finished running and cheering others on (hi Pete!) it couldn't have been better and i am so happy we did it together. and really running a race is fabulous but being greeted by my cheer squad is definitely the icing on the cake!!
the following weekend i got together with some uber fabulous friends and did the "Color Me RAD 5K". what's that you ask? well it's pretty much a moving party, where you are encouraged to wear all white, and get doused with kaleidoscopic cornstarch every kilometer and at a postrace celebration! in other words...nothing like paying money to have colored cornstarch thrown at you for 3.1 miles! this within itself was an experience and so much fun! best part of the race? oh, just having my little side kick do the last mile with me! seriously brody is my little athlete. he rocked it! let's just say i for sure felt pretty RAD after this race! races like these kinda rock! because it's not about how fast you go, but more about how much fun you can have along the way! and because i can never choose just one picture, here is an overload of super RAD RUNNING pictures...