we had a really great easter weekend! we started our saturday morning by taking brody to the park for an easter egg hunt. pretty sure he loved it. we did a practice easter egg hunt on wednesday to prep him for the big day and he totally caught on and thought it was great. so when saturday's egg hunt came, he was ready! he picked up about 20 eggs and after that he was ready to jet off and play. but it was fun while it lasted for the entire 30 seconds. :) and an easter egg hunt isnt complete without a creepy easter bunny.

this is our best attempt at a family photo on timer. classic.

sunday morning the easter bunny had come and left brody a pretty sweet easter basket full of all sorts of goodies. but his favorite thing by far was his truck.

brody in his new easter outfit...pretty sure he is the most adorable little guy EVER!
can you tell he is thrilled to have his picture taken? ;) all he wanted was his truck back that we took from him to take the photo!

before church we headed over to our good friends the tolmans house for breakfast. and of course we had to take a couple of pictures...
without a doubt kelli and neal are brody's two favorite friends. he LOVES them so much!!

we had a great time at church and afterwards we had a really yummy easter dinner with some wonderful friends!

it was a wonderful day filled with uplifting messages and sharing our day with people we love.

this is our best attempt at a family photo on timer. classic.

sunday morning the easter bunny had come and left brody a pretty sweet easter basket full of all sorts of goodies. but his favorite thing by far was his truck.

brody in his new easter outfit...pretty sure he is the most adorable little guy EVER!
can you tell he is thrilled to have his picture taken? ;) all he wanted was his truck back that we took from him to take the photo!

before church we headed over to our good friends the tolmans house for breakfast. and of course we had to take a couple of pictures...
without a doubt kelli and neal are brody's two favorite friends. he LOVES them so much!!

we had a great time at church and afterwards we had a really yummy easter dinner with some wonderful friends!

it was a wonderful day filled with uplifting messages and sharing our day with people we love.