The Month of MAY! Seriously how can it already be mid-june? whhhaaaa? seriously! a friend of mine said it perfectly...I am not exactly sure how to always be caught up on everything in life...somehow I always seem to fall behind. If there was a way to make more time in a day I would take it! me too...meeee too!!
I am somewhat behind on where I should be on most of my domestic duties, but I know one thing for sure, I am ahead of the game when it comes to loving on my brody bear!! I hate when I have to put life chores in front of playing. I am pretty good at doing most stuff at nap time and at night, but there are those days that call for more. In a perfect world every day would be a park day with my little guy!!
Pretty much we are just super lucky and we are just hanging out having fun around these parts. So here is a photo dump of our Month of May...and hopefully to getting caught up on our daily happenings!

Some randoms :: Brody and Tyson are little fishing pros! i tagged along one night and went fishing with my boys. so fun! i am amazed at how brody knows exactly what to do...cast and reel. what a little stud!
Playing in the front yard with the hose on a nice warm day!
we took a few trips to the zoo...feeding the giraffes is always highlight. brody loves it. i think it's so gross. those giraffes tongues are so gross and drooly! yuck! but hey it is cool to be so up close to such a cute animal.
playing in the dirt and collecting rocks at the historical farm.
for cinco de friend kim and i got a bunch of friends together to have a little party! i made two pinatas that turned out to be a lot harder to break then ever imaginable! it ended up taking a couple of moms smashing the boxes against the tree to have treats go exploding! it was so much fun!!
more randoms :: always working on our painting skills. so much fun. i LOVE that brody loves to paint and be creative. makes my hearts skip and beat with happiness.
family walk for some cream!
Two words :: Dance PARTY!
Friday PIZZA!
making our own homemade pizzas on friday nights is one of our favorite things to do!
for mother's day...i woke up with a terrible migraine. so not cool. so the boys went to church and i stayed home and rested. but i still had to get a picture with my little man. love him so much it's outta control! and my bear picked me out some beautiful flowers. lucky to have him and the hubs too!
brody and i took tyson to the aviation museum. brody and i have been multiple times now, but tyson's never been. well that changed, and he loved it as much as we did. its small, but has so much to see. it's so fun. and it's free for us, thanks for our science museum pass we have from Ohio. winning!!
so i'm kinda obsessed with finding the "BEST" of _________. you fill in the blank in place we live/visit. so one day i googled Best Donuts in Richmond Virginia. And this place - Country Style Donuts came up with mad awesome reviews. is was pretty much the only place that was recommended as being the bomb! so OF COURSE we had to go and try it! so we did... and the verdict?? AMAZABALLS!!! so good. like think about them, dream about them. good thing its like almost 30 minutes from where we live, otherwise we'd be in trouble. SO GOOD! end of story.
more randoms:: cleaning the car. brody loves when he and i go to vacuum the car and clean it. i clean, he plays.
brody is pretty much obsessed with my green smoothies. drinks then ALL. THE. TIME.
i make my green smoothie like this ::
1 big handful of ice
1 cup of orange juice
1/2 cup of milk
1 frozen banana ( i have a freezer full of over ripened bananas, i just stick it in the microwave for like 25 seconds, it makes it easier to peel it)
1 honker handful of baby spinach (at least a cup of spinach)
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
Throw it all in and blend up till smooth. It's delish!
sometimes i add berries in, but we love the orange banana flavor best. SO GOOD friends...hello my 3 year old drinks it all the time! OBVIOUSLY you cant taste the spinach! just sayin!
one day we were waiting for tyson to meet us for lunch, so i let brody out of his car seat and let him play. love'in life!
and once again at the historical farm ringing the farm bell. one of his favorite things about the farm!
we went strawberry picking and had a really good time, and the strawberries were SO YUMMY!!! but the highlight was probably the tractor ride that we rode like 5 times. brody was in tractor heaven! such a good family outing!
last of the randoms :: tyson and brody went on there very first Father and Son's camping trip with church. they both loved it! brody loved throwing rocks into the lake, roasting marshmallows, and sleeping in the tent. tyson loved spending so much time with his little bear. tyson can't wait for all of us to go camping together. can't wait! i was kinda jealous of them. but so happy they went and had so much fun!
brody pushing his animals around and telling me he was going to play for 5 more minutes. okay buddy!
there was a local carnival over by our house that came into town and brody begged to go. so one saturday night we went for a little outing. we bought some tickets and they all got used to ride down this huge slide. brody loved it! he didnt want to do anything else. so he did it 8 times and then we were out of tickets. so pretty much we went so brody could ride down the slide. oh well, he loved it and it was fun! we ended that night with slurpees.
so there we have it. the month of May! i do have one more May post about a little trip we took to OHIO. so for now....yay for May....and hello June! I better will be July before we know it!