Wednesday, April 21, 2010


and no...not the disney movie Cars.

Brody loves his indoor car...


car 6

he loves loves loves it. i will push him all around the house in it, he waves to his stuff animals and jibber jabbers, we spend lots of time doing this, and it's quite the site to see and he is just hilarious.

well, one day we were at Target and we saw a 'fire truck' car, and i told tyson we had to get it for brody for outside. so we bought it and of course brody loves it! not only does he get to be outside, but he gets to be pulled around on his fire truck. we have the best time. we walk around the neighborhood pulling him all around, and we pull him to the park. it's awesome. he just hangs on and we pull him along. he loves to just look around, point at things, wave to animals and neighbors. he is so dang cute! i love him.

car 3

car 2

car 1

car 5

and let's not forget...Brody is #1...we definitely hit the jack pot on this cutie!
he is the best!

1 comment:

heather said...

I love the Brody is #1 picture! And can I just tell you that I love your pure happiness in life?! Ahhh ... it's so refreshing and contagious - which is a good thing because I'm struggling with the energy lately! Thanks for sharing the love. :)