Wednesday, August 3, 2011

hair today :: gone tomorrow

hair 2
hair 4
hair 5
hair 1
hair 3

the brody bear has been sport'in some rather long locks of lovely hair lately. well not even for the past 4 months. but we've loved it because it just curls right up and he is adorable and it just looked good...well good, up until about a month ago. and we just kept putting it off getting it cut. part of us loved it. and the other part knew it was time for a choppy chop. this wasn't even his first hair cut by any means. so alas brody's mop is no more. boy he looks like such a little boy! and oh how we love him!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

my favorite is the bed head toussle (sp?) on the bottom left. That's great!