this week has seemed to fly right on by! i guess it's true what they say...time flys when you're having fun!
brody has totally been into taking pictures with the camera, and i must say, for the most part he does a really great job. i even taught him how to do the timer. ha! it's fun to see things at his eye level. :)

this week has been so nice and warm. we've spent almost everyday outside. we were downtown the other day going to a fabric store and i realized that we were right by Bryd Park, we've only been there one other time, you can read about that adventure here. but with the weather being so great, we went over to another park called Maymont. it has a petting zoo, farm, all sorts of different gardens, and the Maymont Mansion. it's open to the public and you can roam all over the grounds. so we enjoyed a few hours of running (literally) around, seeing the farm animals, walking through the gardens, playing with sticks and enjoying a beautiful warm day. there even seems to be some signs of spring! hooray!!

i can't believe the month of february is almost over! this next week is a big week full of lots of fun and big adventures!!! i can't wait!