Monday, August 6, 2012

{ 8:30 wake up call } ::

on Friday morning I got a phone call from Tyson...usually when he calls it's to plan a lunch date or for him to tell me he can't do lunch. no biggie. but when i answered and he said he had "bad news", i thought he was calling to tell me he wasnt going to make it to a doctors appointment i had later that day due to a meeting or something work related. WRONG! 

 Tyson was calling to tell me that he rolled his ankle while playing basketball that morning. He went (hobbled) into Capital One's health center and they iced him and drugged him and then wanted him to go and see an Orthopedic surgeon. awesome! 

Tyson kinda doesn't have the best of luck with basketball...remember this time and this time? oy! 

 Brody and I just woke up, so we hurried and got dressed, ate some breakfast super quick and then we headed out to pick Tyson up and take him to the Doctors. 

 Let's be honest, we always know how to have a good time! ;) ha!


 waiting to be called back to be looked at...


 we were lucky and didnt have to wait long at all. we got taken back to an exam room, the nurse took his stats, and took him to get xrays and then we had to just sit and wait for the doctor to come in. this is what we do while waiting for the doctor to come in...


 doctor brody made sure his dinosaur was wrapped properly and being iced. such a good doctor.


practicing for there future bobsled team. USA! USA! USA!


A family that goes to the doctors together stays together! 

 Finally the doctor came in and checked tyson out - he was pretty sure he just has a really intense sprang. so they have him a nice brace to wear for the next few weeks and if it doesn't get better, he will go back in. good times! Lucky for us we got to take him home and he stayed home with us the rest of the day! and bonus he was home to come with brody and i to my doctors appointment. winning!!! so boo for tyson's foot and ankle...but at least it was friday and he had to weekend to relax.


 and no worries about brody, he was totally entertained all day by his new "flippers". 
 All in a days fun!!

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