11. Name 3 things that freak you out.
On Saturday evening...we went with my Brother and Sister-in law and there friends Josh and Jena to a Portland Beaver's Baseball game! We had a lot of fun and it was a really good game full of quite a bit of entertainment. The Beaver's played against the Colorado Springs Sky Sox. We had great seats, ate yummy food, we won the game and even enjoyed a firework show at the end of the game.
And last Saturday...
So, the month of July has been full of sunshine and heat, and we've tried to enjoy every minute of it. If it's sunny then we head outside. Last Saturday we went and parked up at the Portland Rose's Garden's and walked through the garden's down through Washington park and made our way down to one of our favorite places in Portland, NW 23rd. We walked down to our favorite food vendor that sells chicken and rice for $5 and it's super yummy. We ate a good lunch and then went to this place I read about in a Portland magazine called 'Skinnidip', it's a frozen yogurt place that's trying to be a knock off of 'Pink Berry'. We've had Pink Berry which is delish - but I dunno we really like this 'Skinnidip' place. Plus it's fun to say we went 'Skinnidip'in...bahahha! After lunch and a yummy dessert, we headed back up the way we came down. Washington Park is so beautiful it's just a big forest with little parts of open park and then paths that lead up to the Portland Rose Garden's. It was fun to enjoy the outdoors and enjoy the beautiful rose garden's too.Our Weekend Adventure's have been awesome! We've loved that the weather this month has been so wonderful, hopefully it stays that way - because while the nice weather last, we will definitely make sure to make the most of it!
And let's not forget the BEST part of the weekend...
We made sure to celebrate all weekend!
Here is Tyson opening up birthday presents - he started off with cards from Grandpa Crowther, Mom and Dad Crowther, Mom and Dad Nicholes and Jeremy and Naomi and then he opened presents from Me. Tyson got phone calls from all of his family members which he LOVED - it was so great! Tyson got some really wonderful cards and gifts. THANKS to Everyone for makings Tyson's Birthday so Special!
After presents it was time for cake - here is the Birthday Boy's play-by-play before the candles were lit.